Here is an example project of how to make a 13003 transistor amplifier DIY homemade using a single 13003 transistor from an old damaged scrap CFL bulb. And also I used another transistor D882 as a pre-amplifier. I demonstrated this project with 12 volts PC power supply of 5 amperes. You can increase the voltage a little bit to get more power. I used here 4 ohms speaker The amplifier is providing a powerful clear sound which is quite enough for a medium size room.
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Circuit Diagram
Following is the schematic of single 13003 and D882 NPN transistors amplifier. These transistors can easily be found from any scrap 25 watts CFL bulb and mosquito racket respectively. All the CFL bulbs are having two of them. This circuit is designed with very few and minimum components. And its very easy to build for beginners and students newly entered in electronics field. It doesn’t require any professional experience to build it and any one can make it at home very easily.

Development images
of 13003 transistor amplifier DIY
Parts needed
The following two images shows the basic eight electronic components used in the said project.
Figure – 1
Figure – 2
Removing transistor
Following is a damaged CFL of 25 watts which has pair of 13003 transistor in good condition. We will take out one of them from the board and will use in our amplifier project. Open the bulb compartment with sharp edged flat screw driver or cut around with hacksaw blade. Remove the cap and cut all wire coming from main supply and the tube. Then separate the components board. You will see two 13003 transistors, one each side. Gently remove one piece of 13003 transistor from either side with the help of soldering iron and use it.
Fixing transistors
Take a heat sink and gently tighten the two transistors 13003 and D882 on it with screw or nut bolt. Do not forget to to insert insulation (MICA) underneath the transistors. If you don’t have two insulation then you must use at least one. Otherwise both center pins will collected together through heat sink. Now take one 10 ohms resister of 2 watts and solder its one side to left most pin (emitter) of left transistor D882. And the other side to the left most pin (base) of right transistor 13003.
Soldering components
Now take another resister of 680 ohms of 2 watts. And solder its one side to right most pin (base) of left transistor D882. Also solder the other of 680 ohms resister to right most pin (emitter) of right transistor 13003.
Take one 10k potentiometer for volume controller and one 2-pole terminal block for power supply. And stuck them to any safe place of your working board.
Take one piece of wire and connect one point of terminal with right most pin (emitter) of right transistor 13003 with it. This connection is a GND -12 volts from power supply. Also connect pin.1 of 10k potentiometer with GND of terminal block, with a piece of wire.
At this stage, take another piece of wire and connect it the center pin (collector) of right transistor D882 with the other empty pin of terminal block for positive 12 volts power supply.
This is the side view of all components for easy understanding.
Now take a 5.6k resister and solder its one side to the right most pin (base) of right transistor D882. And also solder its other side to the positive supply of 12 volts directly.
Side view to see the state of all resisters.
Take 10uf capacitor of 16 volts and solder its positive leg with the right most pin (base) of right transistor D882. Also solder the negative leg of the said capacitor with the center pin of 10k potentiometer.
Following image shows the side view of all components after soldering them for easy understanding for electronic beginners.
Soldering external sources
This is a 3.5mm mobile jack. Left two wires are input source of left and right channels output from mobile. And right wire is GND.
Solder the two wires of left and right channels to left most pin of 10 potentiometer. And also solder the third wire to GND.
Insert and tighten gently the positive (red) and negative (black) wires of power supply into 2-pole terminal block.
Now its time to connect speaker. Insert and tighten its positive wire to the positive pin of terminal block. And solder the negative wire of speaker with the center pin (collector) of left transistor 13003.
Testing project
Insert the 12 volts power supply jack into the socket of the amplifier which is already connected with the terminal block.
The project is completed at this stage. Insert the 3.5mm audio jack into your mobile. Select music, play it and enjoy.
Thank you so much for visiting the site. I hope you enjoyed this easy to build project. Please don’t forget to share it with your friends.
List of components
used in 13003 transistor amplifier DIY
- 13003 transistor x 1
- D882 transistor x 1
- 10 ohms resister / 2w x 1
- 680 ohms resister / 2w x 1
- 5.6k resister x 1
- 10uf / 16v capacitor x 1
- 10k potentiometer x 1
- Heat sink x 1
- Power supply 12v
- Speaker 4 ohms (any size 5w to 10w)
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