Tag: Tone Control Volume Circuit

D718 B688 amplifier circuit diagrams

Given below is a d718 b688 amplifier circuit diagrams. They are with and without bass treble (tone control) used in all amplifier projects at this website. All the headings and images are clickable to watch the related project videos, or downloading the circuit diagrams. D718 B688 Powerful Amplifier DIY Homemade This is a 100 watts […]

DIY bass treble volume homemade Tone Control

DIY Bass Treble Volume Homemade Thumbnail

I am showing how to make homemade extremely powerful heavy DIY bass treble volume controllers for DIY amplifiers. This is a general purpose tone control which will work with maximum power amplifiers to control low pass and high frequencies. This tone control is designed with minimum components. All the components are easily available on any electronic parts shop.

DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume balance

DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume balance

The power amplifier works on the basic principle of converting the DC power drawn from the power supply into an ac voltage signal delivered to the load. C5200 is a silicon NPN power transistor intended for general purpose applications. In this video i am showing, how to make a DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume and balance controllers. C5200 transistor […]

LA4440 bass amplifier DIY stereo homemade

LA4440 bass amplifier DIY stereo homemade

Demonstrating here, how to make an extremely powerful stereo LA4440 bass amplifier DIY Homemade. I have assembled this circuit on a high-quality PCB which was ordered from JLCPCB. Stereo amplifier history dates back to the 1950s when there was a huge surge in living room hi-fi systems. These amplifiers offered users increased sound fidelity and […]

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