Stereo bass treble homemade diy Tone Control

Stereo bass treble homemade DIY Tone Control is a popular and simple project in the world of electronics. It allows you to control and adjust the bass, treble, volume, and overall tone of an audio signal. This project is ideal for those who want to customize the sound of their audio equipment, such as amplifiers, speakers, and headphones. With just a few electronic components and a little bit of soldering, you can build your own Stereo Tone Control and experience a more personalized and satisfying listening experience.

In this video i am showing, how to make extreme powerful heavy Tone Control stereo bass treble volume and balance controllers homemade for DIY amplifiers.

DIY Stereo Bass Treble Volume & Balance Controllers - How to make heavy bass and treble for diy Stereo Amplifier

Circuit diagram

of Stereo bass treble homemade

The circuit diagram of Stereo Tone Control using eight 104J capacitors and four 1k resistors and three potentiometers is a simple but effective way of controlling the tone of an audio signal. The circuit consists of three stages- a high-pass filter, a low-pass filter, and a volume control.

The high-pass filter is made up of a potentiometer and a capacitor, which allows high-frequency signals to pass through. The low-pass filter is made up of another potentiometer and a capacitor, which allows low-frequency signals to pass through. The volume control stage is made up of a potentiometer and a resistor, which controls the overall volume of the signal.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Circuit Diagram
Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Circuit Diagram

The circuit works by adjusting the values of the capacitors and resistors through the potentiometers, which change the frequency response of the filter. By adjusting these values, the user can control the amount of bass and treble in the audio signal, as well as the overall volume level.

Overall, the Tone Control circuit diagram using four 104J capacitors and two 1k resistors and three potentiometers is a simple but effective way of controlling tone in an audio signal.

More Circuit Layouts

Development images

of stereo bass treble homemade

Take 3 nos of 50k double pots for volume, bass & treble and one 100k single pot for balance and stick them on a piece of small card board sheet. Solder 1k resister at right pin of volume controller and center pin of bass controller in the bottom layer of pots. Repeat the same steps for with another 1k resister for upper layer.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Image1

Take 2.2k resister and solder it to left pin of volume controller and the other end to the left pin of bass controller in the bottom layer. Repeat the same step for upper layer with another 2.2k resister.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Image2

Take two 104 ceramic capacitors. Solder one to left pin & center and other solder to right pin & center to the bass controller in the bottom layer. Repeat the same step with another pair of 104 ceramic capacitors for the upper layer of bass controller.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Image3

Now solder another 104 ceramic capacitor to right pin of bass controller and other side to the right pin of treble controller in the bottom layer. Repeat same steps with another 104 ceramic capacitor for upper layer.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Image4

Now solder the last pair of 104 ceramic capacitor. Take one of them and connect its one end to left pin of volume controller and the other end to left pin of treble controller in the bottom layer. Now, Repeat same steps for upper layer with another 104 ceramic capacitor.

Stereo Bass Treble Homemade Image5

Now take 2 piece of wire to connect two pins together. One end of piece of wire will go to right pin of volume controller. While the other end will be connected to the center pin of treble controller in the bottom layer. Also repeat the same steps for upper layer with another piece of wire.

Tone Control Stereo Image6

Connecting the output & balance connections.

Take 3 piece of wires for output connection going to amplifier. Two of them are for left & right channel output and the third is ground. Connect the two left & right channel wires to center pin of volume controller in bottom & upper layers. And third wire will go to left pin which is ground. Join the two left pins together.

Tone Control Stereo Image7

Take more 3 piece of wires for balance controller. The black ground will go to the ground of volume controller and the other end to center pin of balance controller. The other two wires will go to right pins of bass controller in bottom & upper layers. And their other ends will go to left & right pins of balance controller.

Tone Control Stereo Image8

Now, take 3.5mm audio jack and connect its two left & right output wire to left & right pins of balance controller. And the third ground wire connect to the center pin of balance controller. We have now completed the circuit at this stage. Connect the 3 wires coming from volume controller to the input left & right channel of any amplifier. And attach the ground wire as well. Run the amplifier with speakers. Insert the audio jack to your mobile. Play music and enjoy. Also thank you so much for visiting the site.

Tone Control Stereo Image9

List of components

used in stereo bass treble homemade

  • 104j capacitor x 8
  • 1k resistor x 2
  • 2.2k resistor x 2
  • 50k dual potentiometer x 3
  • 100k single potentiometer x 1
  • 3.5mm audio jack
  • Some small pieces of connection wires.

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7 comments on Stereo bass treble homemade diy Tone Control

  1. Kaya aia 5v amplifier ma kam work karaga please batana mujha { } ais gmail par message kar da na please

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