Category: Circuit Diagrams

Build Your Own Stereo Amplifier with TDA1552 DIY

Introduction Introducing the Stereo Amplifier TDA1552 DIY kit, a great way to kickstart any casual music project! This kit contains all the required components for building an excellent stereo amplifier. The board features robust circuitry and a high-quality power supply to ensure reliable performance no matter the application. Controls are straightforward and easy to understand, […]

100 Watts LM3886 Amplifier Circuit Diagram

The LM3886 from National Semiconductor is a high-performance 150 W audio power amplifier with a mute. Its performance, using the self-peak instantaneous temperature (K) (SPIKe) protection circuitry, is better than discrete and hybrid amplifiers since it provides an inherently, dynamically protected safe operating area. The LM3886T belongs to the TO220 package and comes in lead non-isolated, 11 staggered.

10 Band Equalizer DIY Circuit Diagram

Introduction Do-it-yourselfers will be delighted to know that you can construct a 10 band equalizer on your own. This type of equalizer has the capability to adjust sound frequencies over ten individual bands. It produces an adjustable sound with improved resolution and greater clarity and range. With some basic components such as an amplifier, capacitors, […]

D718 B688 amplifier circuit diagrams

Given below is a d718 b688 amplifier circuit diagrams. They are with and without bass treble (tone control) used in all amplifier projects at this website. All the headings and images are clickable to watch the related project videos, or downloading the circuit diagrams. D718 B688 Powerful Amplifier DIY Homemade This is a 100 watts […]

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