10 Band Equalizer DIY Circuit Diagram


Do-it-yourselfers will be delighted to know that you can construct a 10 band equalizer on your own. This type of equalizer has the capability to adjust sound frequencies over ten individual bands. It produces an adjustable sound with improved resolution and greater clarity and range. With some basic components such as an amplifier, capacitors, resistors, globes, and a case for the equalizer itself, you’ll be able to create your own custom equalizer tailored to your needs.

Not only does this save money by avoiding purchasing preassembled equipment, but it’s also a great way for audiophiles to find their desired soundscape. So if you’re looking for adding a personalized touch to your audio setup – DIY is the way forward!

Circuit Diagram

of 10 Band Equalizer DIY

10 Band Equalizer DIY Circuit Diagram
10 Band Equalizer DIY Circuit Diagram

More Circuit Layouts

Working Explanation of 10 Band Equalizer DIY

The relay contacts at the inputs and outputs, in conjunction with S2, enable the wanted channel to be selected. The input source can be connected at once to the output if desired. The input source impedance and amplification of the equalizer are set with S1‚ and S3. The audio frequency spectrum of 31 Hz to 16 kHz is split into 10 bands.

Ten bands require ten filters, of which 9 bands are passive and one band is active. The passive filters are equal in layout and vary best withinside the price of the applicable inductors and capacitors. The requisite characteristics of the filters are obtained by series and parallel networks.

The inductors used withinside the passive filters are with ease to be had small chokes. The filter based totally on L1‚ and L2 operates at approximately the bottom frequency (sixty-two Hz) that may be carried out with the standard, passive components.

The filter quality factor can be raised slightly by increasing the value of R19, R23, and P1-P10, but that would be at the expense of the noise level of op-amp IC1.

With aspect values as specified, the manipulated variety is about ±11 dB, which in maximum instances can be fine. A lots large variety isn’t potential without foremost redesign.

The input level can be adjusted with P1, which can be essential for adjusting the stability among the channels or when a loudness manipulation is used withinside the output amplifiers.

Several types of the op-amp can be used: in the prototype, IC1‚ is an LT1007, and IC2, an OP275. Other suitable types for IC1‚ are OP27 or NE5534; and for IC2, AD712, LM833 and NE5532. If a NE5534 is used for IC1‚, C2 is needed; in all other cases, not.

The circuit desires to be powered with the aid of using a regulated, symmetrical 15 V supply. It consumes current about less than 10 mA.

Project Application and Uses

The equalizer is suitable for use with hi-fi installations,
public-address systems, mixers, and electronic musical

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