Category: Amplifiers

DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume balance

DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume balance

The power amplifier works on the basic principle of converting the DC power drawn from the power supply into an ac voltage signal delivered to the load. C5200 is a silicon NPN power transistor intended for general purpose applications. In this video i am showing, how to make a DIY C5200 stereo amplifier with volume and balance controllers. C5200 transistor […]

C5200 bass amplifier DIY homemade

C5200 bass amplifier DIY homemade

In this video i am showing, how to make a single transistor low wattage C5200 bass amplifier DIY This is a class-A low efficiency amplifier for education purpose. The amplifier is designed with minimum components for beginners and students. I personally don’t recommend it for professional use without modification and addition of pre-amp. Circuit diagram […]

LA4440 bass amplifier DIY stereo homemade

LA4440 bass amplifier DIY stereo homemade

Demonstrating here, how to make an extremely powerful stereo LA4440 bass amplifier DIY Homemade. I have assembled this circuit on a high-quality PCB which was ordered from JLCPCB. Stereo amplifier history dates back to the 1950s when there was a huge surge in living room hi-fi systems. These amplifiers offered users increased sound fidelity and […]

DIY homemade D718 amplifier ultra bass

D718 amplifier DIY homemade

In the following video, I am showing how you can make a powerful DIY homemade D718 amplifier using four D718 NPN transistors. This is a class-A amplifier with low efficiency. I am just demonstrating it for educational purpose. Its design is with minimum components for beginners or students. We do not recommend it for continuous […]

DIY D718 stereo amplifier homemade

Stereo Amp Thumbnail New

In this video i am showing, how to make a very simple but powerful bass audio DIY D718 stereo amplifier homemade using two D718 transistors. This is a class-A amplifier with low efficiency. I am just demonstrating it for educational purpose. It is designed with minimum components for beginners or students. I do not recommend […]

Convert CFL Amplifier DIY Homemade

Simple clear sound cfl dual 13003 amplifier - How to make powerful amplifier from old cfl diy homemade

In this video i am showing, how to convert a CFL bulb into a powerful rechargeable audio amplifier DIY using two 13003 transistors. The main observing feature is, that I used all available components of CFL without removing them at all with few changes in the circuit.I used some external parts which are optional. These […]

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