C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

In this video C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier, i’m showing, a way to make an extremely powerful ultra bass class-A effective amplifier.

I proven the circuit with 12 volts dc power supply. However you may use 12 volts to 18 volts dc. I used four ohms 35 watts audio speakers which furnished more sound.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass
C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier

Circuit Diagram

Following is the Circuit Diagram of C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier with bass volume and balance.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Circuit Diagram

More Circuit Layouts

List of Components

used in C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

  • 2SC5200 Transistor x 2
  • 220uf / 50v Capacitor x 2
  • 104J ( 100nf ) Capacitor x 4
  • 1k Ohms Resistor x 2
  • 50k Potentiometer Single Pole x 1
  • 50k Potentiometer Dual Pole x 1
  • Heat Sink x 1
  • Power Supply 12v to 18v
  • Speakers 4 Ohms x 2

Development Images

used in C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

Take a solid heat sink and tighten the two C5200 transistors onto it with mica.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

Now take two 1k resisters and connect / solder the both end to pin-1 and pin-2 of each transistors as shown in the following image.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

Now take two 220uf / 16 to 50 watts and solder its positive side to left first pin-1 transistor’s base of each transistor as shown in the following image. Take a small piece of wire and join pin-3 emitter of both transistors together.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image3

Join together the pin-3 of 50k potentiometer dual pole as shown in the following image.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

In the following image I am showing how 104J ceramic capacitors are connected with 50k dual pole potentiometer. Two of them are soldered each side of potentiometer pin-1 to pin-2 and pin-2 to pin-3.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass

Take a piece of black wire and solder its one side to pin-3 of dual pole potentiometer. And the other side solder the center pin of single pole potentiometer, which is being used as balance controller.

C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image6


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image10


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Powerful Ultra Bass


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image12


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image13


C5200 DIY Stereo Amplifier Image14

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