Tag: simple electronic circuits

100W Amplifier Circuit Diagram using TIP36 Transistors

100W Amplifier Circuit Diagram using TIP36 Transistors

Amplifiers play a crucial role in boosting the power of a signal. One such amplifier is the 100W Amplifier Circuit, which can deliver a significant power output while maintaining excellent fidelity. This article will explore the circuit diagram of a 100W Amplifier Circuit that utilizes dual TIP36 transistors in the output section, BD139, BD140 & MPSA92 transistors in the driver and preamplifier sections.

200W Mosfet Amplifier Circuit Diagram DIY

200W Mosfet Amplifier Circuit

Step by step guide of 200W MOSFET Amplifier Circuit. This circuit utilizes two pairs of ECX10N16 and ECX10P16 MOSFETs in the output section, two pairs of MJE340 and MJE350 transistors in the driver section, and two pairs of BC556 transistors in the preamplifier section. Additionally, an overload protection circuit is incorporated, featuring two BC556 transistors.

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