Tag: circuit projects for beginners

Remote Relay Switch DIY Circuit Diagram

Remote Relay Switch DIY Thumbnail

Building a remote relay switch DIY circuit using CD4017 IC and IR receiver is an excellent way to make your home smarter and more convenient. With this circuit, you can control electrical devices from a distance, save energy, and improve safety in your home. The process of building this circuit is easy and requires only a few basic components.

IR Receiver Circuit Diagram (Infrared)

IR Receiver Circuit Diagram

The Infrared Receiver is designed to work together with the infra-red transmitter mentioned in the previous post, to create a complete infra-red remote control system. Instead of coding and decoding, the transmitter’s carrier is altered in a simple way to produce consistent switching signals. The receiver module is set to switch from low to high when the carrier signal is received for over 200 milliseconds.

IR Transmitter Circuit Diagram (Infrared)

IR Transmitter Circuit Diagram

The Infrared IR Transmitter is intended primarily for the testing of infrared receivers. The test is possible in most cases even without having the associated remote control available. Of course, the test will then be limited to just the infra-red sensor device in the receiver, but it is very useful to begin with when it comes to faultfinding in an infra-red controlled system like a TV set or a VCR.

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