DIY Bass Treble Volume Tone Control is a popular and simple project in the world of electronics. It allows you to control and adjust the bass, treble, volume, and overall tone of an audio signal. This project is ideal for those who want to customize the sound of their audio equipment, such as amplifiers, speakers, and headphones. With just a few electronic components and a little bit of soldering, you can build your own DIY Bass Treble Volume Tone Control and experience a more personalized and satisfying listening experience.
In the following tutorial, I am showing how to make homemade extremely powerful heavy DIY bass treble volume controllers for DIY amplifiers. This is a general purpose tone control which will work with maximum power amplifiers to control low pass and high frequencies. This tone control is designed with minimum components. All the components are easily available on any electronic parts shop. Or you can remove them from most of the scrap circuit boards or elsewhere.

Circuit diagram
Following is the circuit diagram of DIY bass treble volume controllers.
More Circuit Layouts

The circuit diagram of Tone Control using four 104J capacitors and two 1k resistors and three potentiometers is a simple but effective way of controlling the tone of an audio signal. The circuit consists of three stages- a high-pass filter, a low-pass filter, and a volume control.
The high-pass filter is made up of a potentiometer and a capacitor, which allows high-frequency signals to pass through. The low-pass filter is made up of another potentiometer and a capacitor, which allows low-frequency signals to pass through. The volume control stage is made up of a potentiometer and a resistor, which controls the overall volume of the signal.
The circuit works by adjusting the values of the capacitors and resistors through the potentiometers, which change the frequency response of the filter. By adjusting these values, the user can control the amount of bass and treble in the audio signal, as well as the overall volume level.
Overall, the Tone Control circuit diagram using minimum components, is a simple but effective way of controlling tone in an audio signal
Development images
used in DIY bass treble volume
Stick 3 nos. of 50k potentiometers on a piece of small sheet. Now take one piece of 1k resistors. Solder its one leg to Pin.1 of volume control and the other leg solder to Pin.2 of bass controller. Now take one piece of 2.2k resister. Solder its one leg to pin-3 of volume control and the other leg to pin-2 of bass controller.

Take 2 nos of 104 ceramic capacitors. You can use here 100nf or 104J capacitor as well. Solder one of them to pin.1 and pin.2. And the other one to pin.2 & pin.3 of bass controller.

Solder one leg of third 104 ceramic capacitor to pin.1 of bass controller. And the other leg to pin.1 of treble controller. Now we will connect the fourth and last 104 ceramic capacitor. Solder its one leg to pin.3 of volume controller and the other leg to pin.3 of treble controller.

Take small piece of connection wire and solder its one end to pin.1 of volume controller and the other end to pin.2 of treble controller. Likewise we have completed the entire internal connectivity of tone control circuit.

The final result of this tone control project will look like the following image. In next step I will show you how to connect the input connections of 3.5mm mobile audio jack. And also will show the connections of output of this tone control to in input of power amplifier.

External connections:
Now use a 3.5mm audio jack to provide audio signal to amplifier through this bass treble kit. Connect the grounded brown wire of 3.5mm audio jack to pin.3 of volume control and rest the two wires of left & right channels output to pin.3 of bass controller, as shown in the following image.

Now its time to connect this tone control with the power amplifier. We will take out two more connections from this kit for amplifier. Take two pieces of connection wire. I took blue and black for this purpose. Solder one end of blue wire to pin.2 of volume controller. And solder the other black wire to pin.1 of volume control for ground. You can watch video in the very beginning of this post for more clarification where each and every step is shown visually.

List of components
used in DIY bass treble volume
- 104j capacitor x 4
- 1k resistor x 1
- 2.2k resistor x 1
- 50k potentiometer x 3
Project Video
I hope you enjoyed this tone control project. Please share it with your friends and circle. Thank you.
Can you explain the calculations of registers and capacitors for this circuit
tengo los mismos componentes pero la placa de circuitos esta dañada que puedo hacer para conseguirla?.
o puedo hacer la conexion si ella.
la placa era de minicomponente utech
50K pot unavailable so can we use 100k..?
Or do we have make some changes in components value?
Good job
Thank you.
Thanks bhai curcuit diagram batane ke liye