Tone Control Circuit Diagram OPA627 IC


Tone control circuits are an essential part of any audio system and the OPA627 IC is a great option for achieving a high-quality sound. This integrated circuit offers lots of flexibility, allowing users to adjust both frequency and gain levels. Following Tone Control Circuit Diagram has a wide range of control options, making it suitable for various applications including pre-amplifier, tone control, and instrument EQ designs. The OPA627 IC also provides a good signal-to-noise ratio and low distortion characteristics that make it ideal for use in professional audio systems. The circuit diagram associated with the OPA627 IC is relatively simple, making it easy to understand and implement – which makes it a top choice for DIYers looking to put together an audiophile-level audio system at home.

Circuit Diagram

of Tone Control Circuit Diagram

Tone Control Circuit Diagram OPA627
Tone Control Circuit Diagram

More Circuit Layouts

Working Explanation

of Tone Control Circuit Diagram

The treble control works in a similar manner as the 'Accurate bass control' elsewhere in this chapter, but contains several modifications, of course. One of these is series network C1-C2-R1-R11.

The d.c. operating point of IC3 is set with resistors R12 and R13. To ensure that these resistors do not (adversely) affect the control characteristics, they are coupled to the junction of R9 and R10. In this way, they only affect the low-frequency noise and the load of the op-amp. Their value of 10 k ohms is a reasonable compromise.

The functions of switches S1-S3 are identical to those of their counterparts in the bass tone control; their influence is seen clearly in the characteristics.

The left-hand and right-hand channels are well balanced if 1% versions of R1-R13 and C1, C2 are used.

Tone Control Circuit Diagram Graph
Tone Control Circuit Graph

The value of resistors R2-R10 is purposely different from that of their counterparts in the bass tone control. In the present circuit, the control range starts above 20 kHz. To make sure that a control range of 10 dB is available at 20 kHz. The nominal amplification is x3.5 (11 dB).

The control circuit draws a current of about ±10 mA.

OPA627 IC Pin Configuration

The OPA627 IC is a popular pin configuration package that is used in the construction of audio equipment and sound devices. It features two pairs of four pins, with each pin offering a distinct feature to the final output. One set of pins supplies power while the other set carries active signals through the amplifier’s different stages. This allows for greater control over high-pass/low-pass filtering as well as treble and bass adjustments. The result is more precise sound manipulation at a fraction of the cost when compared to other configurations. Overall, this makes the OPA627 IC an excellent choice for anyone looking to construct professionally sounding audio equipment on a budget.

Tone Control Circuit Diagram OPA627 Pin Configuration
OPA627 Pin Configuration

OPA627 Absolute Maximum Rating

of Tone Control Circuit Diagram

The OPA627 is unity-gain stable. The OPA637 may be used to achieve higher speed and bandwidth in circuits with noise gain greater than five. Noise gain refers to the closed-loop gain of a circuit as if the non-inverting op-amp input were being driven. For example, the OPA637 may be used in a non-inverting amplifier with a gain greater than five, or an inverting amplifier with a gain greater than four.

When choosing between the OPA627 or OPA637, it is important to consider the high-frequency noise gain of your circuit configuration. Circuits with a feedback capacitor(Figure 1) place the op-amp in unity noise gain at high frequency. These applications must use the OPA627 for proper stability. An exception is a circuit in Figure 2, where a small feedback capacitance is used to compensate for the input capacitance at the op amp’s inverting input. In this case, the closed-loop noise gain remains constant with frequency. So if the closed-loop gain is equal to five or greater, the OPA637 may be used.

Tone Control Circuit Diagram OPA627 Application Information
OPA627 Application Information

Tone Control Circuit Diagram
Tone Control Circuit Diagram

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