An IR Receiver Circuit Diagram is a schematic representation of the electronic circuit used to receive signals from infrared remote control devices. It is an important component used in many electronic devices such as TVs, DVD players, and home theatre systems. The circuit is designed to detect and process pulses of infrared light that are transmitted by the remote control and convert them into electrical signals that are interpreted by the device.
The Infrared Receiver is designed to work together with the infra-red transmitter mentioned in the previous post here, to create a complete infra-red remote control system.
Instead of coding and decoding, the transmitter’s carrier is altered in a simple way to produce consistent switching signals. The receiver module is set to switch from low to high when the carrier signal is received for over 200 milliseconds. This allows the pulse trains to send short bursts of the carrier frequency. The output of the receiver then produces a pulse with a duty factor of slightly over 12.5%. The receiver’s carrier frequency is set at 36 kHz, while the output frequency of the integrated circuit (IC1) is set at 281.25 Hz. The signal is rectified to ensure a smooth flow and to keep the darlington T1 open for the entirety of the received signal.
Circuit Diagram of IR Receiver
This amplifier can be designed using a few basic components. The circuit diagram of this project is shown below.
More Circuit Layouts

Working Explanation
of IR Receiver Circuit Diagram
One downside of this uncomplicated set-up is that it could potentially detect signals that were transmitted by a different infra-red (RC5) controller. If this happens, only the outlines of the pulse trains would show up at the output of T1. However, this side effect may actually be useful on purpose. For instance, it could be utilized to operate an SLB0587 dimmer. In testing, it was observed that the RC5 pulses did not have any impact on the SLB0587’s settings. The receiver requires around 0.5 mA of current.
An IR Receiver Circuit Diagram is an essential component in many electronic devices and plays a crucial role in the function of these devices. It enables the user to remotely control the device with ease, making it a convenient and user-friendly device. With advancements in technology and the growing demand for smart home automation, the use of IR circuits will only increase in the future.
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