Tag: audio amplifier circuit

2N3055 Audio Amplifier Circuit with 741 IC

100W Audio Amplifier Circuit using 2N3055 & MJ2955 with 741

The 2N3055 audio amplifier circuit is a versatile and efficient solution for audio enthusiasts looking to build their own amplifier. By utilizing the power output stage consisting of the 2N3055 and MJ2955 transistors, along with the preamplification provided by the 741 IC, this circuit ensures high-quality audio reproduction with minimal distortion.

D718 B688 Class-AB Amplifier Circuit Diagram

D718 B688 Class-AB Amplifier Circuit Diagram

The D718 B688 Class-AB amplifier is a high-quality amplifier that provides excellent audio quality and reasonable output power. The device is the perfect solution for music enthusiasts who want to take their listening experience to the next level. Its compact design also makes it a great option for those who want to fit the amplifier into small spaces.

200W 4-Channel TDA7560 Amplifier Circuit

200W 4-Channel TDA7560 Amplifier Circuit Diagram

The 200W 4-Channel TDA7560 Amplifier is a highly efficient and compact amplifier that is ideal for car audio systems and other applications where a high quality and efficient amplifier is required. Its unique design using FETs in the output stage coupled with a class AB amplifier delivers high quality audio with minimal distortion.

Digital Audio Input Selector DIY Circuit

Digital Audio Input Selector DIY Circuit

Introduction This Digital Audio Input Selector circuit looks pretty nifty! It seems to be a good choice if you’re looking for an audio-switching system with plenty of connection options. The two-channel operation allows you to manage multiple input sources, while the integrated switch and LED indicator ensure hassle-free switching between them. All in all, it’s […]

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