Color Detector Using Arduino DIY Homemade


in this video I have made a color detector using Arduino color sensor and 16×2 LCD. Color sensors detect the color of a surface. The sensors cast light (red, green, and blue LEDs) on the objects for tested, calculate the chromaticity coordinates from the reflected radiation and compare them with previously stored reference colors. If the color values are within the set tolerance range, a switching output will activate.

White light is a mixture of three basic colors known as primary colors. They are red, blue and green. These colors have different wavelengths. Combinations of these colors at different proportions create different types of colors. The sensor absorb the wavelength of the light by the surface when the white light falls on any surface. While some are reflected back based on the properties of the surface material. Colour of the material is detected when these reflected wavelengths fall on the human eye. A material reflecting wavelengths of red light appears as red. The component used to detect colors is the Color sensor.

A color sensor detects the color of the material. This sensor usually detects color in RBG scale. This sensor can categorize the color as red, blue or green. These sensors are also also having filters to reject the unwanted IR light and UV light.

Some of the examples of color sensors available in the market are AS73211, TCS3200, TCS3400, TCS34715, TCS34727, colorPAL from parallax, SEN-11195, Lego Mindstorms EV3, etc…

Besides RGB some color sensors can also detect different colors. IR and UV radiations are to be filtered out to determine the accurate color of the material. Sensors also contain programmable light to frequency converters. These sensors are usually very thin and you can easily interfaced with a micro controller.

Color Detector Using Arduino Thumbnail

Circuit diagram

of Color Detector Using Arduino

Following is the circuit diagram of Color Detector Using Arduino.

Color Detector Circuit Diagram
Color Detector Circuit Diagram

More Circuit Layouts

Programming Code

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7);
#define s0 11       //Module pins wiring
#define s1 12
#define s2 9
#define s3 10
#define out 8
int data,r,g,b;        //This is where we're going to stock our values
bool red,green,blue,white,black,yellow,cyan,magenta;
void setup() 
   pinMode(s0,OUTPUT);    //pin modes
   lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("COLOUR DETECTOR");
   Serial.begin(9600);   //intialize the serial monitor baud rate
   digitalWrite(s0,HIGH); //Putting S0/S1 on HIGH/HIGH levels means 
                               //the output frequency scalling is at 100% 
   digitalWrite(s1,HIGH); //LOW/LOW is off HIGH/LOW is 20% and LOW/HIGH is  2%
void loop()                  //Every 2s we select a photodiodes set and read its data
   digitalWrite(s2,LOW);        //S2/S3 levels define which set of photodiodes 
                                            //we are using LOW/LOW is for RED LOW/HIGH 
                                            //is for Blue and HIGH/HIGH is for green
   Serial.print("Red value= "); 
   GetData();                   //Executing GetData function to get the value
   Serial.print("Blue value= ");
   Serial.print("Green value= ");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
if(r<b&r<g&r>5)   lcd.print("      RED       ");
else if(r<b&g<b&b>8)   lcd.print("     YELLOW     ");
else if(b<r&b<g&b>5)   lcd.print("      BLUE      ");
else if(g<r&g<b&g&g>5) lcd.print("      GREEN     ");
else if(r<7&b<7&g<7)   lcd.print("      WHITE     ");
else if(r>25&b>25&g>25)lcd.print("      BLACK     ");
void GetData(){
   data=pulseIn(out,LOW);       //here we wait until "out" go LOW, we start 
                   //measuring the duration and stops when "out" is HIGH again
            //The higher the frequency the lower the duration

Components List

used in Color Detector Using Arduino

  • 1 X Arduino Nano
  • 1 x TCS3200 Module
  • 1 x 16X2 LCD
  • 1 x 2.2K Resistor
  • jumper wires

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