The chime is for use in situations where there is bell or chime at the front door as well as at the back door. When loud bells or chimes are used, it may be difficult to determine which one is being rung. This Selective Door Chime Circuit will solve this problem which can produce two or three different sounds. When two of these circuits are built, the one at the front door is set to produce, say, two tones, and the one at the rear door, three tones.
Tag: car alarm circuit diagram
General Purpose Alarm Circuit Diagram
The general purpose alarm is a versatile circuit capable of generating an audible alarm. The astable multivibrator generates a square wave output, which is then amplified by the BC547 transistor, driving a speaker or buzzer. The circuit can be used in various applications, including door alarms, motion detection alarms, water level detection alarms, temperature alarms, fire alarms, and car alarms. The low-power consumption of the circuit makes it ideal for battery-operated applications.
Car Alarm Circuit Diagram
Every day a large number of private cars are stolen or broken into. One of the available deterrents to car thieves is a loud car alarm and that is why most new cars are now sold with one fitted as standard. If your car does not already have one, the alarm proposed here may be of interest. The alarm is based on the fact that when a car is broken into, at least one of the front doors has to be opened. When that happens, the interior light comes on and this causes a slight temporary drop in the battery voltage. The present circuit detects such a drop and when it does so sounds an alarm.