Category: Simple Electronics

How to Make Automatic Stair Lights Controller

How to Make Automatic Stair Lights Controller

Building an Automatic Stair Lights Controller using Arduino Nano is a fun and easy DIY project that can enhance the safety and ambiance of your home. The components used in this project, such as the Arduino Nano, ULN2803 IC, and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Modules, are affordable and easily accessible, making it perfect for DIY enthusiasts.

How to Make 4-Digit Passcode Door Lock

How to Make 4-Digit Passcode Door Lock

Making a 4-digit passcode door lock using an encoder and a TM1637 module is straightforward with the right components and a little bit of programming knowledge. The encoder converts the input from a numerical keypad into a unique code that operates the door lock, while the TM1637 module displays the entered code on a 4-digit 7-segment display.

How To Make RFID Passcode Door Lock DIY

How To Make RFID Passcode Door Lock

Building a DIY RFID passcode door lock is an excellent way to beef up your home security. This door lock project is relatively easy to make and does not require any expensive or rare components. The process of making this door lock can be an enjoyable and engaging activity for individuals who are keen on programming and electronics.

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