In this video i am showing, how to make a powerful amplifier DIY C5200 A1943 amplifier homemade with heavy bass, treble and volume controllers and an output capacitor providing output to speaker. One 2SC2383 is also used in its pre-amplifier.

Circuit diagrams
Following is the circuit diagram of power amplifier using C5200 A1943 & C2383 transistors. The circuit gives nice sound quality with heavy bass. It uses minimum components and its ideal for beginners and learners.
Following is the circuit diagram of volume, bass and treble which will be connected with the above power amplifier.

List of components
used in DIY C5200 A1943 amplifier
- 2SC5200 transistor x 1
- 2SA1943 transistor x 1
- 2SC2383 transistor x 1
- 1N4148 diode x 2
- 4700uf capacitor x 1
- 220uf capacitor x 1
- 104 capacitor x 4
- 680 ohms / 1 watt resistor x 1
- 100k ohms resistor x 1
- 1k ohms resistor x 2
- 2.2k ohms resistor x 1
- 50k potentiometer x 3
Development images
of DIY C5200 A1943 amplifier
Take one large enough heat sink and stick the two transistors 2SC5200 & 2SA1943 with the insulation (mica). In this tutorial, I placed 2SC5200 left side. Be sure the transistors back plate should not touch the heat sink. Take two 1N4148 diodes and join their plus & minus together. From rest of the ends, connect the plus black line side to the base pin.1 of 2SC5200 and the minus side to the base pin.1 of 2SA1943. Take transistor 2SC2383 and connect its emitter with collector pin.2 of 2SA1943. Now connect the center pin.2 collector of 2SC2383 with the center joint (junction) of the two diodes 1N4148.
Connect 100k resistors one end to the center joint (junction) of 1N4148 and the other to the base pin.3 of 2SC2383 transistor. Take 1k resister and solder its one end with the base pin.3 of 2SC2383 transistor.
Take one 220uf capacitor and join its positive side leg with 1k resister. Also connect one 680 ohms resister to the base pin.1 and collector pin.2 of 2SC5200 transistor as shown in the below image.
Connecting ton control:
Now stick 3 nos of 50k potentiometers to a piece of card board and connect all the components according to the following image. For detailed information of base-treble project [click here].
Now its time to connect the power supply and speaker connections. Solder the red wire +12 positive to the collector pin.2 of 2SC5200 and the black wire negative to the collector pin.2 of 2SA1943. Solder the remaining negative pin of 220uf capacitor to center pin.2 of volume controller. And connect pin.3 of volume controller to ground i.e. collector pin.2 of 2SA1943 where negative power supply black wire was soldered.
Take one 4700uf capacitor and attach its positive side to emitter pin.3 of 2SA1943. These two emitters of both transistors were joined together earlier. Now attach speaker’s positive to 4700uf capacitor’s negative and speaker’s negative to the ground i.e. collector pin.2 of 2SA1943.
Finally, connect 3.5mm mobile jack pin connections. The ground wire will go to pin.3 of volume controller and left & right channel’s wire will go to pin.1 of bass controller.
Insert the audio jack into the mobile, play music and enjoy the project. Also thank you so much for visiting the post.
hello, good morning, what capacitor and diodes did you make the symmetrical source
All values are clearly mentioned in the video. Thanks.
It might be class ab.
Buongiorno. Non capisco se l’altoparlante è da 4 o 8 ohm.
utilizzare altoparlanti da 4 ohm per i migliori risultati. Grazie per la visita.
Is there any other transistor use in place of TR 2383
Yes I think you can use BD139 also.
what size of speaker will be use compatible for this amplefier,thanks
4 ohms of any size.
Sir im a beginners. the 680r resistor is 1watt, how about the rest of the resistor? Thanks. Have a nicetday
Half watt
Ciao. Ho realizzato due amplificatori (channel dx, channel sx). I due amplificatori, sono alimentati da un solo alimentatore da 1,5 A. Si sentono bene ma la potenza è debole. E’ perché 1,5 A per entrambi gli amplificatori sono pochi? Inoltre, il C5200 scalda un po’. E’ normale?
Ciao e grazie
Hey what’s the output power?
Have seen,but haven’t tried. Am gonna try.
What’s the output power? When using 4ohm and 8 ohm speakers kindly?
Almost 50w with 12v. Its for beginners for learning.
What if I double the transistors, two C5200 inparallel and two A1943 in parallel… will it be more powerful than when its single?
Yes it will produce more power but you’ll have to increase the voltage as well.
Thanks so much for the information am yet to try it out