500W Power Amplifier using C5200 A1943 & UA741 Op-Amp


A power amplifier is an essential component in any audio system as it ensures a high-quality audio output. When it comes to power amplification, the 500W Power Amplifier using C5200 A1943 & UA741 Op-Amp is a popular choice among audiophiles. This article will explore the details of this amplifier design, as well as providing an overview of the key components used: the C5200 and A1943 transistors, 2SC2073 and 2SA940 transistors, and the UA741 Op-Amp.

This circuit design is a highly efficient 500W Mono Audio Amplifier that can be easily constructed on a PCB board. Its output transistors are affordable yet deliver exceptional performance. For the power supply circuit, it is recommended to utilize six capacitors, each with a capacity of 4700uF and a voltage rating of 80v or higher, along with a 50A bridge rectifier diode. If you wish to transform it into a Stereo Amplifier with a power output of 1000 Watts, make sure to employ a transformer with a minimum current capacity of 8 Amperes and a dual voltage configuration of 50v-0v-50v for both versions.

Overview of 500W Power Amplifier using C5200 A1943

The 500W power amplifier circuit is designed to deliver a high power output, ideal for applications that require a loud and clear audio signal. The heart of this amplifier lies in the use of the C5200 and A1943 transistors, which are widely recognized for their high-power handling capabilities and excellent performance.

The C5200 transistor is a high-power NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) designed for general-purpose applications. It features a high collector current rating of 15A, allowing it to handle large power outputs without distortion. Additionally, its low saturation voltage contributes to the overall efficiency of the amplifier circuit.

On the other hand, the A1943 transistor is a complementary PNP BJT that pairs up with the C5200. It also boasts a high collector current rating and low saturation voltage, making it an ideal choice for power amplification. When combined with the C5200, the A1943 helps deliver a balanced and powerful audio signal.

To further enhance the performance of the amplifier circuit, the 2SC2073 and 2SA940 transistors are utilized as pre-amplifiers. These transistors are known for their low noise and high gain characteristics, enabling them to amplify weak audio signals and prepare them for the main power stage of the amplifier.

Lastly, the UA741 Op-Amp is responsible for providing the necessary amplification and signal conditioning for the input audio signal. It is a general-purpose operational amplifier that offers a high voltage gain and low offset voltage. Its versatility and reliability have made it a popular choice for various audio applications.

Circuit Diagram of 500W Amplifier using C5200 A1943

This amplifier project can be built using a basic components as per the list provided. The circuit diagram of 500W Amplifier using C5200 A1943 is shown below.

500W Power Amplifier C5200 A1943
500W Power Amplifier C5200 A1943
Power Supply of 500W Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram
Power Supply of 500W Audio Power Amplifier

More Circuit Layouts

Components List of 500W Amplifier using C5200 A1943

Following is the list of all components used in this project:


  • 5 Transistors 2SC5200
  • 5 Transistors 2SA1943
  • 2 Transistors C2073
  • 2 Transistors A940


  • 10 Resistors of 2.2 ohms 1/2W
  • 10 Resistors of 0.33 ohms 5W
  • 2 Resistors of 10 ohms 1W
  • 2 Resistors of 100 ohms 1W
  • 2 Resistors of 5.6K 1W
  • 5 Resistors of 100 ohms 1/4W
  • 2 Resistors of 330 ohms 1/4W
  • 2 Resistors of 1K 1/4W
  • 2 Resistors of 18K 1/4W
  • 1 Resistors of 33K 1/4W
  • 1 Resistors of 56K 1/4W


  • 3 Capacitors of 4700uF/80V or more
  • 3 Capacitors of 100uF/50V
  • 1 Capacitors of 1uF/50V
  • 1 Capacitors of 100pF ceramic
  • 1 Capacitors of 15pF ceramic
  • 2 Capacitors of 330pF ceramic
  • 2 Capacitors of 680pF ceramic
  • 2 Capacitors of 220 pF to ceramic
  • 1 Capacitors of 0.1uF (104) / 250V polyester
  • 3 Capacitors of 0.1uF (104) / 100V polyester


  • 1 Integrated Circuits TL071 or UA741
  • 2 15-volt to 1W zener diodes
  • 2 Diodes 1N4007
  • 1 Diode bridge of 35 amps or more. Best if it is 50 Amp
  • 1 50vx50v transformer, or up to 55x55V AC with current 8 amps minimum

Major Components of 500W Amplifier using C5200 A1943

By combining these key components, the 500W power amplifier using C5200 A1943 & UA741 Op-Amp achieves a balanced and powerful audio output, suitable for a wide range of audio systems.

2SC5200 Transistor:

The 2SC5200 is a high-power NPN transistor that is commonly used in audio amplifier applications. It features a maximum collector current rating of 30A and a maximum power dissipation of 150W. With its excellent linearity and high gain, the 2SC5200 ensures minimal distortion and maximum audio quality.

2SA1943 Transistor:

The 2SA1943 is a complementary PNP transistor that pairs up with the 2SC5200 to form a balanced power amplifier stage. It has a maximum collector current rating of 30A and a maximum power dissipation of 150W. Similar to the 2SC5200, the 2SA1943 exhibits low distortion and high gain, making it an ideal choice for power amplification.

2SC2073 Transistor:

The 2SC2073 is a small-signal NPN transistor used primarily in pre-amplification and low-power amplification stages. Its low noise and high gain characteristics make it suitable for amplifying weak audio signals while maintaining signal integrity. Although it doesn’t possess the high-power handling capabilities of the C5200 and A1943 transistors, the 2SC2073 serves a crucial role in the overall amplification process.

2SA940 Transistor:

The 2SA940, a complementary PNP transistor to the 2SC2073, is also commonly employed in pre-amplification stages. Its low noise and high gain properties make it an ideal choice for amplifying weak audio signals and preparing them for the main power stage of the amplifier.

UA741 Op-Amp:

The UA741 is a general-purpose operational amplifier that is widely used in audio applications. It features a high voltage gain, low offset voltage, and good stability, making it suitable for various amplification and signal conditioning tasks. The UA741 is known for its reliability and versatility, making it a standard choice in many audio amplifier designs.

Conclusion of 500W Amplifier using C5200 A1943

The 500W Power Amplifier using C5200 A1943 & UA741 Op-Amp brings together key components that ensure a balanced and powerful audio output. The C5200 and A1943 transistors deliver high-power handling capabilities, minimal distortion, and excellent performance. The 2SC2073 and 2SA940 transistors contribute to the pre-amplification stage, amplifying weak signals and maintaining signal integrity. The UA741 Op-Amp provides the necessary amplification and signal conditioning required for the input audio signal. With these components working together, this power amplifier design is capable of delivering a balanced and powerful audio output, suitable for a wide range of audio systems.

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500W Power Amplifier C5200 A1943
500W Power Amplifier C5200 A1943
Power Supply of 500W Audio Power Amplifier
Power Supply of 500W Audio Power Amplifier

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